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Local City Profiles

Local City Profiles

Sevier County is situated in the Tennessee Valley. It is limited by mountains and conduits. Sevierville, Kodak, Seymour, Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg, Pittman Center, Jones Cove, Cades Cove, and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park are the essential nearby groups.

Demographics Sevier County National Average
Population of Sever County 84,835 N/A
Median Age 38 years 37.47 years
Median Household Income $40,312 $46,326
Percentage of Single Households 39.3% 41.53%
Percentage of Married Households 60.7% 58.46%
Percentage Families (households with children) 20.7% 24.32%
Average Household Size 2.33 people 2.57 people
Percentage College or Better 14.7% 20.14%
Percentage White Collar 49.2% 47.14%

Cost of Living Sevier County National Average
Cost of Living Index 87.4 99.52
Average Yearly Utility Cost 2656 3196.27
Average Household Total Consumer Expenditures $34,836 per year $41,075 per year
Average Household Education Expenditures $329 per year $450 per year
Average Household Entertainment Expenditures $1,758 per year $2,207 per year
Average Household Transportation Expenditures $1,238 per year $1,563 per year
Average Household Retail Expenditures $15,841 per year $18,600 per year
Average Household Non-RetailExpenditures $18,995 per year $22,474 per year

Quality of Life Sevier County National Average
Average Winter High Temperature 46.2 degrees 41.29 degrees
Average Winter Low Temperature 24.6 degrees 22.88 degrees
Average Summer High Temperature 83.9 degrees 86.56 degrees
Average Summer Low Temperature 65 degrees 62.35 degrees
Average Annual Precipitation 53.5 inches 38.69 inches

Local Schools City Web Site
Pigeon Forge High School Pigeon Forge PFHS
Pigeon Forge Middle School Pigeon Forge PFMS
Catons Chapel Elementary School Sevierville CCES
Pi Beta Phi Elementary School Gatlinburg PBPE
Pittmen Center Elementary School Sevierville PCES
Whites Adult High School Sevierville n/a
New Center Elementary School Sevierville NCES
Gatlinburg Pittman High School Gatlinburg GPHS
Pigeon Forge Primary School Pigeon Forge PFPS
Sevier County High School Sevierville SCHS
Sevierville Intermediate School Sevierville SIS
Sevierville Middle School Sevierville SMS
Sevierville Primary School Sevierville SPS
Wearwood Elementary School Sevierville WES

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